Another Day, Another Scandal for Esther Arunga and Hubby Quincy Timberlake
Remember back in the day when you used to see Arunga on KTN with her eloquent English and ability to drive the news right into your head? Well, those days are long gone, Arunga who now people can more likely remember for her attempt as a running mate to the 2012 presidential candidate Joseph Hellon is at it again and this time things are not looking pretty at all. You may have heard that their 3 year old son Sinclair died back in Australia where they relocated to after things got a bit heated back home. Here is what has happened since then.
According to the autopsy, that was carried out on their three year old son, it was revealed that the child had extensive internal injuries that were not consistent with a fall especially considering that the fall was when Sinclair (the late) was playing with the couples other child. Sinclair has been arrested for the murder of the child and funny thing is not many of us are surprised at this. However, it does beg the question how much more of this is Arunga waiting to see before she can decide that she has seen enough.
On Tuesday, Quincy took a not guilty plea and is to be remanded up to December 4th when the cases will be heard. While a nice metallic cage is getting prepared for Quincy, back home Joseph Hellon who was Quincy’s friend until he landed in hot soup for that friendship decided to spill the beans on his relationship with Quincy and his friendship with Esther Arunga. From his perspective (and perhaps a whole lot of others) Arunga is a victim in all this and is blinded by love so much so that according to him she was advised by Quincy to run way from a mental health care facility which she did without second thoughts.
While many of us only want Arunga back home, Hellon wants the same and is willing to help her back on her feet and Quincy only has his mother on his side (who he has previously denied repeatedly).