Strange Incident: Man Attacks Raila with a Cain in Kwale

As with all strange things that happen in the country, this one was marred with unexpected events. During the Okao Kenya rally which was being held in kinango, kwale, a man waltz his way up to the podium and whipped the former prime minister twice. At the time Raila had joined a group of traditional dancers alongside Salim Mvurya, the Kwale Governor.
The man was immediately floored by the Kwale County Communication boss showing a major lapse in the former prime minister’s security entourage. The man’s motives still remain unclear however reports indicate that he was released after his arrest since it was established that he had a mental disorder.

The whole incident might have gotten a few laughs here and there but the question still remains. What if the man was wielding a lethal weapon such as a machete or a gun? Something should surely be done about this man’s security.

Here is the video of the entire incident