Monthly Archive:: September 2014

$2 Million Shoes?!? For Real?

There are a number of things that celebrities do to show their financial might. However, Nick Canon smashed that boundary by wearing shoes that are worth 2 million dollars! Yes In case you think you got that wrong, it translates to 178 million shillings

Lupita Goes to Sesame

Recently, Lupita took a walk down Sesame Street. For those that might not remember, Sesame Street was a Muppet show that used to be aired on TV some time back (The show that had that big yellow bird that was an Ostrich). Now that

Big Brother Africa Season 9

The contestants will be from 14 countries. These countries are; Zimbabwe, Uganda, Zambia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Namibia, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa, Botswana and Angola. Some of the former contestants that are expected to participate in this season are; Neyll and Seydou