Major Drama Unfolds In A Kariobangi South Church
There is a lot of drama in Churches today. Most of the cases we have heard have been about pastors having affairs with some of the members of their congregation. This however was not the case at God’s Gift Favor Church. This was the case of a woman scorned named Jane Wambui.
As the service was going on at around mid-day, Jane entered the church furious. She was shouting out the name of her husband whom she claimed run the church and banging on doors with the intention to get his attention. This disrupted the service and attracted many people who came to see what was happening. The best the members of the church could do was pray while others just watched. It was hard for people to calm things down. It was left to the police to handle the situation.
When Jane was interviewed by journalist who wanted to find out the cause of commotion, she claimed that her husband had neglected his role as a father since he started having an affair. She claims that her son has been kicked out of school for lack of school fees and she is unable to put food on the table. The couple was taken to custody for questioning.
Here is a video of how everything unfolded: