Teacher Wanjiku’s New Act In The Animation Industry
The great Bill Cosby, a world renowned comedian, once said that humor can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers, no matter the situation. That been said, the Kenyan comedy industry has grown by leaps and bounds through the decade. From the glorious days of ‘Vitimbi’ and ‘Vioja Mahakamani’, new acts have recently emerged that are electrifying Kenyan screens. One of these is Teacher Wanjiku.
Making her national debut on the Churchill Shown, this artist grew to be a Kenyan darling in no time. Known for her original sketches and interesting speech, most people could not bear to wait for a whole week to see her performance.
However, all has not been a bed of roses for her. After becoming one of the most promising acts in Kenya, she decided it was time to fly on her own. With the help of veteran director and producer Victor Ber, she sought to start her own shown on Citizen TV, which received mostly negative reviews from many critics. This disastrous move was considered by many to be career-ending.
All this was not until a certain video surfaced on YouTube in late October, 2014. It features an animated Teacher Wanjiku, with the famous wig and a pink polka-dot dress, giving one of her lessons. Being a teaser, it is only 20 seconds long, though it has attracted the attention of many Kenyans. The graphics quality of the video is top notch, comparable to the ‘Faiba’ animations.
With Teacher Wanjiku now an animated character, it will be interesting to see how the animation will fit in the comedy industry. Interestingly, the teaser video has received endorsements even from her former employer, Churchill, who has posted it on the Churchill Show’s official website. Teacher Wanjiku fans will now be counting the seconds to the show’s debut on the Kenyan screens.
Here is the video of the upcoming animation: