Responses Maina and Kingagi Got On Their Classic 105 Show Regarding Betty Bayo’s Next Move


It seems that the Betty Bayo husband’s scandal about him fleecing his congregation isn’t going to die out any time soon. When the story first broke out on Sunday, Kenyans were all over social media expressing their disappointment and the Betty Bayo was not left behind stating that she isn’t going to support ungodly practices. This is the same thing that happened today.

Betty Bayo categorically said that if the husband, pastor Victor Kanyari wasn’t going to repent she would divorce him. Maina and King’ag’i did what they do best started an opinion segment on the classic 105 morning show on what Betty should do regarding her husband and her marriage.

It seems Kenyans weirdness and advice has no limits. Many it seems were just making fun of the whole situation. Others however went on to state that she should behave like a wife and shut up. A few rather told her to leave. However the vast majority simply claimed that she knew all along and that they to want to learn some business tricks. Either way it seems Maina got the ratings after all, a trending topic.

Here are a few

“Kenyans Please Stop Judging Betty Bayo, Wilbroda too has no clue of what papa Shirandula does for a living& they are married”
“Am already in love with Dr kanyari, he is brilliant man all ladies wish to have. As much as he is not educated , he has the knowledge on how business can be conducted and put food on the table not like some men who sit at home and wait for white collar jobs… hapa ni Kenya na usipojipanga utakufa maskini ”