Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua has divorce issues!


The latest news in the grapevine is that Kenya’s most loved governor- Dr. Alfred Mutua- has kicked his wife out of their matrimonial home in Nairobi. The governor and his estranged wife Josephine Thitu Maundu have been fighting over the children and matrimonial property for quite some time now, as revealed by a popular new blog.

Josephine, a pharmacist by profession, claimed that the split was so nasty as to force her to fly out of the country with their three children on the 6th of November. She went to Australia where she was taking a break from the stress of a failed marriage.

The batter over ownership of the house in Westlands area and custody of their three children appears to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Josephine has threatened to sue the Machakos governor if he does not hand over all the keys to the property and order his staff to vacate the home- property which he had given over to her in a sworn affidavit.

The allegations which have been dismissed by Mutua as lies are set to put a huge dent to his intricately managed image. The issue is yet to be resolved and the public can only wait to be treated to some more drama.