Gospel cop Singer Sammy Ondimu to Dj Mo on Recent Arrest- You Are Not Above the Law!

Gospel cop Singer Sammy Ondimu to Dj Mo on Recent Arrest- You Are Not Above the Law!
So the other day Dj Mo was arrested for driving a car with tinted windows from Naivasha. This was a story well highlighted with pictures to show how he was being roughed up by the cops. Hours later it emerged that this was due to the fact he allegedly declined paying a bribe. Being a country of chai (bribes), the heat turned on the cops for how they were mishandling him thus many people sympathized with the treatment that Dj mo received.

However there are some who differ and have decided to be vocal about the matter. Gospel cop singer, Sammy ondimu added his voice on the matter stating that celebs are not above the law… he further stated that all this was just a publicity stunt. However with all the tinted windows being driven around, one wonders whose side to take. Deejay Mo for saying that he was arrested for not giving a bribe, or the cop who wants people to respect his work.

Nonetheless here is a caption of his wordings

“Who said celebs are above the law? People should stop this cheap publicity…”Eti cops arrested me cause I didn’t bribe them” wacheni kutubeba kiupuzi hivo. Respect our job, bwana, and remember resisting arrest itself ni offence. Don’t assume being a celeb every Kenyan knows you… sheria ya Kenya haijui kama wewe ni celeb… we are all equal…ukikosea be ready to face the Law.”