Robert Alai Out On KSHS 200,000 Bail For Abusing The President

Robert Alai, whose third name might just be controversy, is at it again making headlines and getting mouths employed. He has kept everyone talking about his daring act of sharing Uhuru Kenyatta’s contacts via Twitter which led to his arrest and his appearance in court.

The blogger has had to part with KSHS 200,000 as cash bail which was settled by James Orengo, the Senator of Siaya County. The irony lies in the fact that this particular government aims to make the contacts of its citizens public yet Robert Alai gets charged for sharing his president’s contacts publicly.

The whole saga displays double standards on the part of the state or maybe the harsh reality is that some people are above the law. He got fined for that simple act and also for undermining a public officer’s authority. With all the problems we have as a country, where do the priorities of the government really lie? I wish they were that swift when dealing with important issues.