Yes, Esther Arunga is back in the headlines, here is what she had to say

The life of one of the most coveted media personalities in Kenya, Esther Arunga has been filled with unending controversies from her fellowship with the Finger of God church to the murder of her first born son by her husband Quincy Timberlake.
Citizen television in their new TV series have revealed that Kenya’s once crown jewel in news anchoring , Esther Arunga is currently leading the life of a slave in Australia where she went to seek exile with her husband Quincy. The series further revealed that she is not well and lives in seclusion, with only the company of books and the internet.

The news crew revealed a shocking revelation that even despite Quincy committing the heinous crime that brought shame and unwanted attention to the family, Esther Arunga says she is still in love with her husband and will stand by him. The couple is under trial in Australia with Quincy facing murder charges of the death of their son and Esther as an accomplice to the killing.

Many Kenyans back home believe that Esther is irredeemably doomed. What do you think?

You can watch part of the interview courtesy of Citizen TV here: