How Rich Is Paul Kobia And Where Does He Get His Wealth

It seems that the controversy surrounding Paul Kobia is not going to die down any time soon. After all the man power and tax payers money put in the ‘investigations’ nothing tangible has been reported. Either way after the alleged CONFESSING of his involvement in Fidel’s death, he was whisked away to a psychiatrist center and it later emerged that Paul Kobia was mentally unstable. So far that closes the investigation; nonetheless questions arise on the competency of the police force, specifically on how a mentally unstable man (Paul Kobia) is a licensed gun holder?

Having headlined news briefs the past few years, Paul Kobia’s wealth has always been at the center of speculation. Having claimed he was a legitimate business man a few years back in an interview with the Nation Center, the issue on the source of his wealth still raises a lot of questions. Rumored to be worth billions, Paul kobia in an attempt to clear his name stated that his investments revolve around the real estate industry. However many are times he has been mentioned in the gold smuggling ring that saw the president of DRC, Joseph Kabila demand the return of the 8 billion gold consignment that was smuggled into Kenya and revolved around Paul Kobia. On top of that the issue of his name being mentioned in a UN report in 2011 as a top gold smuggler in Africa saw the source of his wealth also being questioned. Either way the issue on his mental stability and source of his massive wealth still remains open for debate.