So Far This Is The One Person That Has Taken Responsibility For The Gruesome Incident That Took Place At Langata Primary

Monday carries with it a shocking incident where pupils of Lang’ata Road primary school were confronted by the anti-riot police who deemed it fit to control their protests by hurling tear-gas into their school play ground. The pupils, who were holding a demonstration to protest the school’s land being illegally grabbed allegedly, did not anticipate the aftermath that came with the protest.

The event which saw five pupils sustaining serious injuries infuriated many Kenyans including His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta who on Tuesday laid blame on the Land Ministry and the National Land Commission for not coming up with a solution concerning the matter in good time.

The President said the Cabinet Secretary for land, Charity Ngilu and the National Lands Commission chairman Muhammad Swazuri would be held accountable for the events of that day. Mrs. Ngilu has however since apologized and taken the blame saying that they should have taken action earlier. She added using her twitter account that in future, her ministry would be proactive in handling such cases.