Flamboyant Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko Now In A New Music Video That Is Clearly Going To Put His Critics To Shame

The senator is undisputedly one of the most loved political figures. The great love originates from the trend in fashion, decency and the charisma in terms of leadership. The heroic acts of defending the citizen at all times makes him outstanding and one in his own class. Despite disagreements with the police, the love for the senator has been evident in the eyes of anyone.

The entertainment sector has served as the best ambassador to the acts of the lawmaker through a number of compositions featuring the senator in certain scenes. Among the latest release includes a video of Sonko in which the politician appears with a number of security personnel as a sign of the need a for a good rapport between police with the public. Even though it has not been well with him and the police, the video communicates the appreciation he has for the role played by the law and order maintaining body.

Here is the video: