Here Is What The Owner Of The Car Ferrying Mp George Muchai’s Killers Had To Say

It seems that the CCTV Footage that showed late Kabete MP being followed by the hit men in a Mercedes was wrong. The vehicle that the killers used to trail George Muchai has been impounded. The owner of the vehicle claims that she and her sister had been driving along Chiromo when they were carjacked. They were put in the boot of the vehicle. She says they heard gun shots while in the boot of the car. The police believe that these were the shots that were used to kill George Muchai. The woman had stayed in the boot of the car for a period of six hours when the police found her.

Meanwhile, the family of George Muchai is in mourning and is planning his funeral and has decided that it will be held on Friday. They are however not sure where they will bury the late Kabete MP.