Is This The Real Reason Why Eric Omba Wants To Reconcile With Estranged Wife Gloria Muliro?

It seems that Eric Omba is not tired of airing his marital affairs in public. After the publicly aired faults and flaws in their marriage, it seems that Eric Omba is using the media to get the attention of his wife. In a video that has gone viral the pastor is seen in a group, talking about the reconciliation process that is going on to bring him and his wife together. Mockingly this video seems to be from a hidden camera and this shades doubt on whether he is really sincere in wanting to reconcile with his wife or its all for the public. It is fact that filming other parties in their vulnerable state is an act of betrayal; after all why hide the camera?

Either way Eric Omba went ahead and praised his in laws stating that they have been extremely supportive of the reconciliation of the two, specifically giving thanks to Gloria Muliro’s father who he claims, prays for them. Ironically at the same time of exposing an intimate moment, he declared on his social media page his underlying love for his wife, stating;

This is how much I love my wife and I will love my wife forever. I will fight for her until she comes back to me; she is the love of my life no matter what

Question that still lingers is, does he really love her or is it all for the money and fame?