I Am Not A Drug Baron, And I Can Prove It, This Is Where All My Wealth Comes From, Says Mike Sonko

Once again, the source of Senator Mike Mbuvi Sobko is at the center of attention after Governor Evans Kidero Made reference to it. Speaking at the AIC milimani church, Kidero went ahead and actually claimed that Nairobi is at the center of Drug trafficking trade and soon enough it will turn into another Columbia. He went ahead and claimed that soon enough parallel government will be formed and that this would mean the end of democracy as Kenyans know it.


Nairobi is at the center of drug trafficking. People have been named to be involved in drugs and no action has been taken against them. Where drug cartels fight they tend to get into positions of authority. This happened in Jamaica, Cuba and even in Columbia. Any services given must be within the confines and provisions of the law.

This accusation nonetheless comes just weeks after Mike Sonko tried to get him indicted for corruption at the senate house and thus it seems like another tiff brewing. Interestingly, many Kenyans don’t care where the source of money is from if any of the posts on social media is anything to go by. To many, if Mike Sonko is indeed a corrupt individual, he is better off than others who don’t share their spoils with the ordinary mwananchi.

In response to the accusation, Mike Sonko went of the defense and said that he is doing what the Nairobi county government has failed to do, offering a wide range of services from ambulance, fire response and wedding limos. Once again he drew attention to the fact that he was indeed a legitimate business man stating;

I have never, im not and will never be a drug baron. Those peddling that cheap propaganda should produce the evidence or shut up. I can account for all my money. I buy and sell land and I can prove that anywhere. He is jealous that I have been able to help the people of Nairobi better than him. I will not stop helping out people today- in fact very soon, we will start fixing estate roads so that Nairobians stop suffering