This Is How Hot Nazizi Has Become And This Is How Stunningly Beautiful She Looked On Her Birthday


Known for her tom-boy look coupled with baggy jeans; Nazizi surprised many during her birthday with her hot, sexy look. They say that change is inevitable but no one expected this form Nazizi. This Kenyan Queen of hip hop caused a media frenzy with her impressive sexy look which she revealed during her birthday.

She looked hot as ever with a classy leopard print dress, a neat bun and a pair of red heels. To top it up, she had shed a whole ton of weight and was looking slimmer and fitter. Her beauty was incomprehensible to the point that some even argued that she had gone for surgery. Surgery or no surgery, fact remains that she looked exceptionally glamorous.

That was well executed Nazizi, kudos to you! Everyone is loving this new you. Keep it up and we hope to see more of this hot diva.
