Mike Sonko Shows Support For Women By Offering Cash Reward Of 100,000 KSH To Bring Down Stripping Culprits

In the past two weeks, Kenya has witnessed atrocious attacks of uncouth men stripping women in two incidents, one in Nairobi and another in Mombasa. Both were welcomed with so much opposition and disgust. Among those in opposition is Mike Sonko. He has been a major supporter of the campaign dubbed “My Dress, My Choice” that aims to empower women and oppose such animosity.

He offered a Kshs. 100,000 reward for anyone who would come forward with relevant information on those culprits that could lead to their arrest and prosecution. It really is very disheartening that there are individuals who reason like wild pigs in this time and age with so much advancement in life.

It is the 21st century for Pete’s sake. Why should you care about what I wear? Don’t you have enough problems of your own? I think life is hard enough and yes those men must be brought to book to face justice so it shall serve as a lesson to those who are “like-minded”.