This Is The Real Reason Why Ntv, Ktn, Citizen And Qtv Were Shutdown And May Not Be Airing Any Content Soon


There has been a lot of talk about Digital Migration. Everyone was waiting for the day that the television stations will not be accessible through analog signals. Most people did not believe that this would happen because the government has not taken action in the past. The long awaited day came on February 14th 2015 when NTV, KTN, Citizen and QTV were forcefully shutdown.

Nation Media Group, Royal Media Services and Standard Group Limited have released a press statement explaining why they were shutdown. The media houses explained that the government shut the stations off because they wanted the media houses to avail their signal for distribution purposes by Pan Africa Group which operates Star Times and the SIGNET which is owned by the government. The three media houses also accused Fred Matiang’i, Cabinet Secretary of Information, Communications and Technology of intimidating them into giving in into the position that the Communication Authority has taken on digital signal distribution.