Laura Oyier, The Intercontinental Saga Lady Lied To Us, Caroline Mutoko Didn’t Pay Her Bill, This Is Who Paid It

According to an article on Ghafla, Caroline Mutoko, didn’t pay Laura Oyier’s bill as she had recently stated on an interview with Larry Madowo. Documents clearly show that the intercontinental bill was offset by KISS 100, one of the radio stations belonging to Radio Africa where Caroline is the Chief Marketing officer. The reason why she mentioned Carol still remains a mystery. Mutoko probably, played some role in convincing her fellow managers to pay the amount.

Here is the bill receipt showing who cleared it.

Laura was also offered a job at Radio Africa. It seems she will have to work off the amount which was used to settle her bill. We hope to hear her on the airwaves soon. Who knows she probably will be as good as Maina Kageni or King’ang’i who currently host the Morning show on Classic FM.